Sunday, September 11, 2011

What Do Players Want?

A selection of quotes from nightly /feedback reports that amused me, interested me, or made me think. Sometimes I sure wish I the feedback reports could tell me the context behind the report; particularly for that first one. I wonder what was happening!


Text: confine gnomes.


Text: I've actually become bored with typing this but we **NEED** more hotbars... My warden is overwhelmed with not being able to organize herself/her abilities because of this. And to answer the question some GM's have asked, NO... it will not be a screen full of hotbars... My monitor is HUGE and you have so kindly added the ability to make the hotbars smaller in size. Please add more hotbars, it is making the game unplayable.


Text: All I want for Christmas is to be able to throw snowballs while flying. No, seriously, snowball fights in the air would be amazing, please.


Text: stop cursing me!


Text: It would be cool if you guys could design a "Dressing Room" for the mounts. for example, the horses have like 10 different types of armors that you can get, but given that you can custonize your character's armor and weapons to be he exact way that you want it, its insanly hard to find a mount whos colors / armors match.

You could set up a series of colored plates that have the graphics that already exist, but let us pick and choose what goes where to add personalization to our various mounts.

Thank you for your time.


Text: We need Dragon Flying Mounts. Preferably actual dragons like Woushi or the ones in Vanguard.


Text: Scouts get an unfair advantage over casters, Nerf Them ffs


Text: a second thought that just passed my head is i think this rating system is dumb. it is just another outlet for angsty people to put others down anonymously and hurt their feelings when someone has worked extremely hard on their home. I think its cool that you can visit other peoples houses with the click of a button but i believe that rating system has to go before someone ends up getting hurt emotionally too much from jackasses on the game.


Text: Exorcise is cool. Thanks! It's kinda like a half-infusion, only with added penalty. Kinda what I've been wanting - so thanks!


Text: I would like to suggest adding a few new recipies for Carpenters. Specifically, new trees! :)

Currently, Carpenters can make only one standalone tree -- the Nektulos Pine. It's a very well liked and well-used tree among decorators. Unfortunately, for everything else we must rely upon Grottos and faction merchants, while our crafters are left with the same old recipies.

There are so many wonderful trees ingame already that would make perfect Carpenter-crafted items. Just a few that come to mind are: the beautiful fruit trees in Conservatory, the lightly snow-frosted pines in Eastern Wastes, the stately green and blue-flowered ornamentals in the new Felwithe Mansion, the massive sweeping canopies of the Kunzar Jungle trees, the dark pines of Darklight Woods, the twisted frozen trunks of the Great Divide pines, the tall swaying palms of Kerra Isle, the Void-twisted trees of Toxxulia Forest, or even that cute little decorative palm from Toxx (that is now the "Warden tree").

I do hope you will consider adding some, if not all, of these to our recipies! There are more than enough trees, plants, and shrubs in this game already to keep Carpenters, vendors, and grottos busy for quite some time -- and EQ2 has an amazingly creative team of designers to add even more :)


Text: you need to change the loggin music back to the original. i like to logg in to pleasant music and the new music is so annoying and depressing that sometimes i just exit right back out of the game without playing because it bugs me so much.


Text: The two new dynamic dungeons are AWESOME! I'm having loads of fun with these. I can play the level 90 versions in a full group with my friends, and I can mentor and play a lower-level version in a duo or trio, so it's perfect. I really love that you can get shinies in the mentored versions, too. More like this please!!!! :D


Text: bring back /gems from eq1 :P its way overdue.


Text: loving the new sign house items! any chance we could get something similar with paper notes we could leave for people - maybe vertical ones pinned to walls, or horizontal ones for placing on desks? am massively into organising treasure hunts in my houses, and at the mo i've been having to use books, but they're not always appropriate!

ta muchly! :)


Text: Need more solo content


Text: I would like to see a new quest in runny eye the gathering to save the hobbits that the goblins are cooking


Text: Beetle Herding ... the ENTIRE quest line should be changed so you DONT need the wait for the spiders to get in JUST the RIGHT spot.

There should be a trap-door spider that kills them as soon as they get to the ROCK !!!


Text: We need pink wings in the game, maybe some can be made for Erollisi Day this year. Or sooner. A multitude of colors for Frostfell time.


Text: it would be neat if when you destroyed some item, no matter what it was, your character would actually animate and throw an item into the nothing.
