Text: For the love of god (seriously it's that bad! =), please allow us to hide the white names displayed above the plushies from the daily chronomage plushy quest!
Text: when do defilers get their turn at being OP?
Text: I wish there was an appearance slot for colored light sources.
Text: Attunable should be unattunable after a month.
Text: Had an idea for a cool guild ammenity... a "speaking horn" that would allow a trustee to basically do an /emotezone inside their guild hall. It would only do the emote inside the hall, and could have limits on the usage (Say max once every 5-15 minutes), but would make for a pretty cool tool that could be used both for crowd control (emotezones REALLY stand out) and for atmoshpere if the guild hall is used for a themed event (ie a player-run 'haunted house' kind of experience).
Text: Kneeling on a chair is silly.
Text: How about increasing the amount of money it takes to repair your armor when you die? Thats a death penalty, would make people think twice about dying to save time if they had to spend 10 platinum to repair their broken armor
Text: I would like to have the appearance looked at on ogre males pertaining to robes, gi's, and such looked at. They look very non-male and a lot of gear make you look female'ish.
Text: please make a better gablin game more like a casino where you can actually set it to auto play so we can actually sleep while it plays by its self.
Text: I would love the red swinging chandolier for my house =D that's in Vaults in kunark in the book room.
Text: please make fairys wings flutter on mounts its way cuter, and doesn't look as lame.
Text: The glass displays found in Obelisk of lost souls would be a nifty house item :)
Text: How about a nice rare for fishing like a talking fish that you can put on a wall in housing :)
I have to agree about kneeling on chairs. I'd really love to have a sit emote that puts me in a position to sit on a chair or bed.